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The Chameleon Handbook
Language: en
Pages: 94
Authors: François Le Berre
Categories: Nature
Type: BOOK - Published: 2000 - Publisher: B.E.S. Publishing


What do chameleons eat? Do they really change color? These are just a few of the many questions answered in this book.
The New Chameleon Handbook
Language: en
Pages: 140
Authors: Francois Le Berre
Categories: Nature
Type: BOOK - Published: 1994-11-25 - Publisher: Barron's Educational Series


This handbook deals with the most fascinating members of the lizard family. Helpful information is given on caging, feeding, breeding and health care.
Handbook of Exotic Pet Medicine
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Pages: 527
Authors: Marie Kubiak
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Type: BOOK - Published: 2020-08-24 - Publisher: John Wiley & Sons


Easy-to-use, comprehensive reference covering the less common species encountered in general veterinary practice Handbook of Exotic Pet Medicine provides easy-t
The Biology of Chameleons
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Pages: 304
Authors: Krystal A. Tolley
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They change color depending on their mood. They possess uniquely adapted hands and feet distinct from other tetrapods. They feature independently movable eyes.
Language: en
Pages: 149
Authors: Gary Ferguson
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Type: BOOK - Published: 2007-03-15 - Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing


The one and only chameleon is world renowned for its ability to change its skin color rapidly (throughout movement of pigment cells) and for the outrageous leng